Thursday, May 31, 2018

SuccuBeta! v1.352


The long awaited beta is here! After a lot of struggle and hard work you can finally play the Communications Tower. Two new MoGi appear as well: A sex-starved Succubus Queen was observed back in the area between the city and the tunnels, so you are advised stay put and wait for help! Also we got reports of various citizens trapped by Alraune tentacles crying for help! I can't imagine why, the lucky bastards! Bottom line, the area after Red is dangerous.

This Beta is far from perfect. Please report any mistakes or glitches you may find.
Please Delete Progress and Delete Data because small things changed early in the game affect instance ID's and mess with the savefile.


  1. Nice work guys. I'm from way back during the Offbeatr campaign - how can I play the beta?

    1. It's the same link that was sent back then.
      If you need some help getting access, just e-mail us and we'll get you settled.

  2. Had a bit of an issue with red, attempting to charge the lv1 spots during the fight, it just stops charging right at the end. anyone else see this?

  3. Could anyone provide a 100% savegame? Thanks in advance

    1. I have the same problem when I playtest... but I use the cheats to skip areas. We give those cheats on Patreon for now.

  4. The Generator room is bugged. The hero stucks no matter which door I use to enter the inner area (tried all 3). Two introduction phrases - then nothing.

    Another bug here: if you'll go out without proceeding the challenge klaxon serena and animation will haunt you outside the building.

    1. I think he's talking about the generator alarm bug, where they'd keep going if you exit the room without fixing the generator.

    2. OK. So I've locked you in the room like intended for that area.

  5. Had the same bug with the generator room, if you leave after the alarm starts, all the backgrounds have the alarm going off.

  6. Any chance you guys could release the save files so we don't need to restart the game every time a new version comes out? I love the game but i can only replay it so much.

    1. We cant do that for now but you could use the cheats to skip areas. We give those cheats on Patreon for now or to anyone that got the Digital GUide in Offbeatr.

  7. Not bad. Replayed through the whole thing. Couldn't find the third Alraune hostage, which only showed as Orange Slimes, unlike all other hostage rapes. Succubus battle is nice. Good job.

    About time too!

    1. They show as Orange slimes if you're in SFW mode.
      The first alraune hostage is a bit earlier in the game. Not after the Red boss, but in a building in the forest prior. The building in question has a charge orb inside it.

  8. After the Red Slime battle if you proceed to next stage (or go to the previous one) and then return back to that area you'll have to fight her again!

    1. OH! It might be a system specific save glitch as that does not happen to me.

      Thank you for letting us know, I'll fix that ASAP.

  9. Sweet an update, ty guys. And Titan, good to see you back on the comments, we've missed ya

    1. Thanks. Life's been pretty hard for me. I really appreciate the positive words.

  10. found a bug that lets you skip the boss fight, by keep walking to Oak, when she hits you go right through her and let you climb through the pipe letting you skip her

    1. New things always mess with old things. We're sorry about this. I'll fix this ASAP.

      Thank you very much for letting us know of this problem.

    2. that's a funny glitch :P

  11. Succubus is finally here!

  12. Can't wait to see her other forms!

  13. Do you guys think its going to take a long time until we get to see Succogi/Succalice?

    1. All I can say for now is that I would need at least 1-2 months until I finish Ucogi & Alice's animations.

  14. I enjoyed playing the beta a lot :)

    1. It makes us very happy to hear you say that :)

  15. Can we have a variation of Succubus without lactation? At least on the gallery? I would like to enjoy her boobs at normal size

    1. Succogi and Succalice will be like that.

  16. I love the sex position!

  17. Will Succogi/Succalice lactate as well?

    1. Not sure yet. Maybe? We might put out a public poll to decide.

    2. Actually I prefer that they don't... You can have the lactation exclusive to Succubus and her other forms. But maybe Succalice and Succogi can have a normal version of that sec animation

    3. They wont lactate, dont worry.

  18. The update i was expecting!

  19. Well, Succubus is finally here, i was hyped for her :)

  20. Are things in motion now? :D

    1. Things are definitely moving forward once more.

  21. How much time until we her other forms?

    1. On Patreon we released already the Succogi sex scene on May. I'm Working on Succalice sex scene for June's Patreon rewards

  22. when I played through, I sometimes got a bug where if I moved my character at the exact same time as a chatbox opened up, it would softlock and I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone, go into any different areas or save, only way to fix it seemed like was to reset the game

  23. I got stuck on a part that seems to be designed for chibi ucogi. I ducked with Voms and got next to the "tunnel" entrance and after that I couldn't stand up =/

  24. Alright so,tried looking around online after updating several programs on my pc,but naturally there's no help,When i "launch" the game it shows that it's open in task manager for a min but disappears and never actually launches,wondering what it is i'd need to update as i had the same thing happen long ago which updating a program Then helped

    1. Did you unzip the game before running it? I know it sounds stupid but some people really don't do that.

      Can you take a screenshot of your game folder and post it here? Maybe you're missing files?

  25. Yeah,everything's unpacked,made sure to allow the program,and it's a clean install,i remember having a similar problem long ago but was able to get the game running after someone here told me to try updating a certain program,but been a Long time so cant remember which

    1. Hmmm... I really don't know what to say. If the problem's outside of the purview of the game itself but is just a Windows problem, I don't know how much I can help you.

      Maybe try updating your graphics driver?

    2. It's alright man,gonna try without the installer and a few more things,if that doesnt work i'll check video drivers and such again,thanks anyways

    3. I'm really sorry I couldn't be more help.

  26. Is there a level 3 tool for Voms?

    1. Not yet, but there are plans to have such a tool in the near future. Maybe even in the next Beta if everything goes well.

  27. Beautiful work I can not imagine the effort you had to make this art. How do I play this new beta? Could you post here on the blog?

    1. Thank you :)

      We give the demo for free. just click on "dpwnloads" at the top of the page.

      If you want to play more than that, you have to click on "donate" button at the top of this page. That button is not always there for some reason, so the best next thing is to visit our patreon page ( If you pledge $5 you can have the current beta.

  28. When you approach Red, are you supposed to fight her? cause I usually get the dialogue of the security guy saying that he has enough food or something. then it cuts off

    1. That's so very strange. We're sorry you couldn't face her. I'll fix this glitch by tonight and update the game. It'll be available at the same link.

    2. Ok I'm done. Just redownload the game and you should be fine.

  29. Seems like a save issue because cutscenes delete themselves once they're complete. I'll mark it as a special scene so this doesn't happen.

  30. Ok I'm done. Thank you so much for taking the time to report those issues. I hope they didn't get in the way of your experience too much.

  31. 1. So if you are moving while intiating a npc conversation your character becomes unable to move. Using your secondary attack will fix this though.

    2. If you move and duck, or jump and duck at the right time you can pin yourself into a duck height only part of the geometry. However you are then stuck there and it requires you to quit. Surprisingly easy to trigger. (Might I suggest adding a crouch walk to the game just fix issues like this or an emergency reset button on the pause menu to warp you back to the entrance of the zone.

    1. I'll fix both of these in our next update. The ducking standing up one needs a little bit more finesse than you'd think.

  32. hello to all I have donated a long time ago and I would like to know if I have the possibility to have this beta I hope your answer soon

    1. Yeah, just email us by clicking on the "contact us" button and make sure you give us any info you can, like email and username.

  33. I enjoyed playing the beta thanks

  34. This stupid : += lhs=undefined (type=5), rhs=0 (type=0)
    Glitch is most likely an installer error.

    Try running the game from the zip file. I sent out a bug squash request for it and thought they fixed it, but I guess they didn't.

  35. Sorry, it took me so long to answer.

    I never used the installer. I downloaded the most recent ZIP file, deleted Progress and Data and played from the beginning.

    I will delete AppData\Local\MogiOrigins and start over again, but this may take some time

  36. Yep, deleting AppData\Local\MogiOrigins solved the problem.
