
MoGi:Origins Demo: Dropbox Download

The game runs on Windows machines... specifically WindowsXP+. Ram recommendations... I'd say you should have at least 512MB of ram.  The game borrows like 30-50MB of ram when running so yeah... Make your decision from that info. If you're having problems running the game with a recommended machine feel free to contact us. If you want the game ported to the system you're using... then... all I can say is maybe.



  1. this might be a dumb question, where can I get the full game?

    1. Its not made yet.

    2. So noone can play more than this demo ?

    3. Well no there's the beta. You can't see it in mobile mode on your phone but it's at the top right of the page.

  2. Bystander_PreventionMarch 24, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    It's not released yet, but they'll be offering it her when it's done. It was originally slated to come out in June, but might be pushed back due to all of the content they have to add after their offbeatr was so successful.

    More information here:

    1. When it's out. It's not finished yet.

    2. I know but just wanted to know if after you finish need to pay, or have no knowledge about it?

    3. It'll most likely be $12 when it comes out. That number is not final. It depends on the market at the time, but that's most likely where it'll end up.

  3. Please make one for linux.

  4. I can not become a fap until June? wtf?

  5. i have 3.21 gb of ram and when i see the Pumpkin girl my fps down to 10, In the H-scene i have the same problem....

    1. What's your OS and other specs?

    2. Windows XP SP3,Intel Core I5

    3. Gpu pls. probably the most important here

  6. Just asking, but will you add a few preview pics or shots showing your progress on the game during the time it takes to make it? Kinda like a few teasers to raise excitement for the day when the game comes out. It can be as simple as pics of the backgrounds or levels with the monster girls.

    Just asking for those of us who are waiting.

  7. I like it =) waiting for release!

  8. Really nice game so far, but I can only find two of the supposed seven pictures.

  9. do people who pay for the beta version get the full version for free

    1. Yes.. in a way. The game's cost is included in the Beta price. You cant have the Beta without having the game, so everyone with Beta access, has actually bought the game too.

  10. Very nice! Looking foward to buying it!

  11. How do I get the game now that I've donated $30?

    1. I'm wondering the same thing.

    2. You must wait for our email reply to your paypal email. You will get it as soon as your donation appears in our inbox. It usually takes us a few hours but in case we are absent (which is rare), it shouldn't take more than 1-2 days max.

  12. What's the "In-Game" part mean?

    1. In the MoGi list. I just want to know if those not In game ones will come in later or not.

    2. Oh, you are talking about the application up there. I was looking at the replies here. "In game" means that the MoGi you are viewing will appear in the game as a normal enemy.

      Official story: no these MoGi won't appear in this game. Some MoGi that are not "in game" will still appear as "hostage rapes" as it is written in their desciprion..

      Unofficial story: exceptions may happen. Right now we are about to add SG Orange and PG Leshy because it helps the story of the game. They may or may not have sex scenes. We may use these extra characters as we see fit. Consider this to be a bonus addition to the game.

  13. Will there be a version for Mac users?

    1. Most probably there won't be a mac version. To make such version we need to buy a mac and programs for it and the mac users are not so many (I think they are like 5% of the total computer users). And even then, mac users don't play that many games, let alone h-games.
      Maybe you can run the game through some windows emulator in your mac?

  14. I like the progress so far. But I'd like to see an update on the public demo, perhaps to give a tease at what's in store. After all....what better way to sell a game then to release a demo that leaves them wanting more.

    1. They said there were going to update the public demo a bit after the first boss so it would be soonish.

  15. Say Vein or Titan? About that app that shows you which Mogi area going to be in would you mind making a downloadable swf version of it so we can view it when offline?

    1. I mean which Mogi are going in game and which are just hostage rapes. Dang auto correct.

    2. Well it's HTML5 not flash...
      It needs to run off of a server to not get half of it's functions blocked by the browser for security reasons.

  16. So....I just pay $30 USD for the Beta...How do I get it now?

    1. Usually you have to wait for us to see your donation and then respond to you...
      but in your case just go check for our reply right now! ;)

  17. Where are the 7 pics in the demo? I get 5 but can't find the last two (Found the three in crates, the one at the end and the one near the savepoint)

  18. The demo needs a taste of boss fight

  19. is there any clues to make the game easier?

    1. For the puzzles... not really. For combat, start attacks with jump attacks to go into normal attacks quicker (so basically jump attack right before landing), areas with amanita normally have places you can jump on in order to avoid her bullets.

      Save frequently and go to as many places as you can and you'll be at the end of the demo in no time.

    2. thanks, the only problem was the map, now i got it.

    3. I can't get through the map either. I have the key but there doesn't seem to be any clues of where to go next. I try all the doors but there's just too many damn paths and too many damn buildings and I just keep going in circles. PLEASE help.

  20. Small bug:
    when fighting pumpkins and a barrel drops on top of them it causes the game to crash
    (dont have a video but it happen to me while i was playing one time.. (if you already got it fixed then thanks :3 )

  21. one of the many moments I wish I had a credit card. oh well. a little moral support is good too. keep this up guys!

  22. For some reason, I can't download the demo. My download keeps being flagged as malicious. You might want to look into that.

    1. Norton, though I might need to update it later on.

  23. I've tried out both demos, but one demo won't run saying "The procedure entry point InitOnceExecuteOnce" could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." And the other demo only showed a white screen.

    1. We're currently working on fixing your white screen problem.

  24. So I've paid $30 USD for the beta... What do I do now?

    1. You should've been automatically redirected to a page with the beta information. If you weren't then please contact us using the contact page with your payment information so we can send it to you.

    2. So we can still donate to receive beta access?

  25. where can I get the beta

  26. Need a new download :(

  27. where i can download the full game now?

    1. There is no full version yet, but you can buy the beta version and play it.

  28. if it goes on steam greenlight i will support it

  29. I have a question. If we donate now do we still get the bonus rewards such as the wallpapers, screen icons, etc depending on our donation amount, or where those special offers only limited to those who pledged early on.

    1. no, you can only donate for 2 rewards ( Beta Access Information or Digital Mega Pack Information). We didn't want to get all kinds of numbers and go through a hell of emails to ask people what they donated for. It wouldnt have been very time consuming.
      Probably, after we release the game, we will open some kind of online store to sell these extra thingies.
      You can still buy the card games though.

  30. Have you ever changed a demo version of the latest updates that place?

    1. Just updated the demo :).
      No new content but technical changes.

  31. Create version mobile Android please

  32. Create version mobile Android please

  33. If anything I would think they should reopen the offbeatr I would totally donate now that I know about it. I want to play as Alice! :(

  34. I'm experiencing some serious graphical issues with the game running it on Windows 10, mainly the pumpkin girl scene picture across the background of the game and some of the platforms not even showing up. Along with that, the game freezes every time I try to enter the farm. Is there anything I can do on my end to fix this?

    1. Hmm. Try the winXP version of the game. If that doesn't work for you all I can say is to be patient until i update the demo to better fit the technical changes that'll be made in the beta.

    2. Okay, the winXP version didn't end up working any better. Probably should have waited to upgrade Windows 10. Thank you though!

    3. Hey anon try again. Gamemaker Studio released an update and among the update notes there was mention of better compatibility with win10.

  35. The demo available from Mediafire works. The one from this page doesn't it tells me something along the lines of "InitOnceExecuteOnce could not be found in the dynamic library of Kernel32.dll".

  36. The demo works very good on windows 8 & 8.1, no framedrops, thanks again for the update

  37. Hey just adding an update "bug" report (or I don't know if it's not supposed to work yet) when in the menu - gallery I try to open a magazine a window pop up with the title Code error and saying:
    action number 1
    of Draw Event
    for object obj_menu:

    Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 100003.xoff(100268, -2147483648)
    at gml_Object_obj_menu_Draw_0

    Again not sure if its supposed to be that way for now, and I'm just trying the demo but at least I wanted to let you know this.. everything else in game stills works perfectly

  38. Hey, I just stumbled upon this game a few days ago and i really enjoyed the demo but when i go to get the beta or look for the most recent version i cant find it. It even says i cant pledge the 20$ to receive the beta and the full game, am i overlooking something? or has the beta pledge ended?

    1. To buy the game you need to click on the "Donations" button at the top-left corner of this page.

  39. hello, i am new,(sry for my bad english, iam not good^^), i download, and i see its a demo, so my question is

    the full game is not finished?

  40. plz,i dont have any card for donation and i dont trust this visa/mastercard/.... etc., can you not create a other donation with " paysafecard " ?? that will help me^^ thx

    1. question, if you can not do with paysafecard for the moment with the beta

      can we next buy your game with paysafecard, if your game is finished a 100%??for me, its the best monster girl game in world

      i hope

    2. Right now we don't have that payment method. I don't know if that will change in the future. The visa/mastercard method is a very trustworthy way and nobody has complained so far about it.

    3. oki, i will wait, for your game finished,
      who knows, you will put this payment one day , I finally hope

      thx for your answer victor

      Merry Christmas

  41. Did you send the download link for the newest beta? I didn't get in the email and I donated money for the beta.

    1. The link is sent automatically. Check your spam folder for it.

  42. K, donated $30 since the mogi I wanted was finally in the beta. Can't wait~

  43. I've just donated $30. when does this email with the newest beta arrive?

  44. dont good english, i will have my first mastercard (prepaid) next week

    with the donate, i see the name, adress, phone .....I do not like giving my information

    1)can we not just give the email and the credit card code + 3 number???

    2)This is with reference to Question 1 because of information

    the game , if they finishid a 100% can we Download the full game by email with a link or
    we will have the game's box by home or what<--I hope not i live not alone XD ?
    (i think its a link to download in my email)

    3)the 30$ beta information is dead, if i remenber, i can test all beta, and i will have a copy of the game

    but i will have a copy of the game if they are finished a 100% or i will have just what you create until now

    4) if i will have what you have create until now, i must repay for you new create monster in 6 month for example or i will have a new email for a new download link?

    1. 1) I think you have to give what paypal asks you too, but you don't have to give the address or phone if you don't want to.

      2) The beta will have the full game with it too. You will get it in an e-mail.

      3) You remember correctly.

      You will have all copies, in one link. Anytime we update use the link we sent you to update.

      4) No you would only have to pay once.

    2. last question, it's obligatory with the name,adress....... if i give false information,but i give the real email and code credit card, that will not give problem no?

    3. All WE need is the e-mail.

      I don't know about how your card company will handle it so I wont say anything irresponsible like give false information.

  45. I played through the demo, really well done by the way, and I get to the point after the nekos. I exit the building, go down a cliff, wind up next to a pipe, and when the camera pans over to the space I walked past, I receive a message stating "code error"

    1. Says something about obj::fire

    2. Please use the contact form to open a private conversation. We may need to know about your computer (windows version etc) if possible send us a screenshot of the error. We want to know exactly where it happened and what the error message says.

  46. Hey will you make a mac or android version?

  47. Hi, got a few questions.

    What do you foresee will be the price of the game on launch?

    Is there a wide variety of H-Moves(scenes) or just a short variety with different positions?

  48. Excuse Me , why when i play this game , it always stop working T.T
    i really like this game but that problem makes me feel sad . what i suppose to do to fix it ? anyway , i play this game in Windows 7

  49. I was wondering I payed with paypal ages ago to get the $80 reward from the offbeatr which was the digital guidebook deluxe pack I belive. Will I still get that when the game comes out or not. I think I missed an email about the dropbx at some point the last one I can find the link doesn't work.

    1. Never Mind about the dropbox I found it must have missed it the first time I was looking.

    2. Yes, if you paid for the Guide then you will receive it once the game is done and the Guide completed.

    3. Good to know I figured I would check just to be sure as it has been ages since then and things have changed. At any rate best of luck with making the game and I hope the patreon goes well I'd Contribute but I don't have the ability to right now.

  50. Out of curiosity would there be a feature in the gallery to replay certain boss battles without having to delete your progress?? Also will there be a blocking feature so Voms or any other character we play as doesnt get downed so quickly??

    1. The plan so far was to have a Boss Rush mode, if I'm not mistaken. From all the characters only Ucogi would be able to block. Similarly, Rudy is the only character who can avoid enemies using her roll move. And we planned a move where Voms would be able to repel projectiles.

    2. That's cool.. The reason I asked was cause towards the end of the beta there were so many Mogi's that I got to the end by sheer luck..

    3. The enemy placement in the Betas is not final. We usually make the ending a Beta harder, so that people have a sense of achievement. But we balance the enemies every time and also we will try to add more weapons for Voms to use.

    4. Yea & putting no healing items or save points anywhere made the sense of achievement very grand.. So there is no set date when the next beta is coming out correct?

    5. We release new betas when we can. I'm waiting for a new beta since August myself, but Titan had some personal trouble and hasnt deliver it yet, even with all the pressure and deadlines I shoved down his throat. So, we wait.

    6. Will you release all of Voms' nightmares as gifs?

    7. Nightmares? I dont think Voms dreams in this game. If you mean the sex scenes, then yeah, we will do so in the Patreon rewards. So far we have given them as Flash animations and Screensavers but gif animations are possible too.

  51. Is this still in development or is it dead?

    1. Also does anyone know if anything is ever going to be posted on the ucogi website again?

    2. Yes it's still in development but it goes slowly because our programmer has some personal issues. will be updated when something new is created for that site but as of now there are no concrete plans about anything specific.

  52. Any Idea on when the next beta will be?

  53. what about sound setting at all

  54. Has that demo ever been updated? I'm poor so I can't be putting out 30 bones lol. I just want to be exposed to the new content aside from their pics

  55. any more news at all

    1. This is the demo page. No news regarding the demo. We wanted to add the sub-weapons but I'm not sure if we ever did. My main focus is the actual game.

  56. Downloading...I recomend this game too

  57. Donate through patreon? Or here?

  58. Is the demo updated with game updates?

  59. Are there somewhere single payment or option to buy full game? Because, i don't want to montly support game in patreon because, i don't remember cancel my support. Or are there possible to get beta & then full game if you support in patreon this game instantly 30€ in free charge or value support?

    1. There would be, but you have to wait until the game is completed. Most probably you would be able to buy the game from Steam and

  60. Cant believe this is still not made. Unreal.
