That said, some progress was made. I bought new music and sound effects. Also Titan made some fixes in Golem's level and the Golem bossfight. I checked them, and they need even more corrections, as usual. Titan said he would figure out a way to work more during August but his plan didn't work out. So, all I got was only a bit of progress after a lot of waiting. Hopefully his plan can work in the months to come. Also, I proposed to him to meet again, even for 5 days, and work together once more. But I'm waiting his response.
In this video you can see the latest problems with Golem. During playtest, she glitched and Voms escaped. Titan explained to me the reason: "What's happening is that you're getting knocked down, not being grabbed immediately, pressing the button, and in the middle of getting up get caught. But you already "escaped" so the escape goes through."
Each MoGI and Boss may break some of the basic programming of the game, and sometimes special exceptions need to be created. Golem is the most recent example of that, and due to her exceptions in the code, new additions need to be made. It's hard to anticipate everything, but that's why we playtest and fix.
I know you all want to play the game, even a new playable demo. Please be patient for a little more. During September I would be absent, as I do need some vacation time and some change of scenery. Hopefully, when I return, Titan would have finish any tasks I have for him, and then it would be up to me to do my part. I still need to add new art and change a lot of the levels myself. I can't wait to return to the game with refreshed mind, spirit and motivation.
I would have more news, most probably on October.