Monday, November 12, 2018

Asking for Feedback

How do you guys feel about the Platforming, and the Puzzles of the game? 
How do you feel about the game's difficulty?
We're currently designing new levels and as we're doing so we're weighing our options. That's hard when we don't know what part you guys enjoyed the most.


  1. The game difficulty is in a good place imo, it's a level that lets less skilled players still be able to get through with some challenge, and at a level where it's still engaging for better players. The puzzles are pretty easy, maybe in the area you're working on rn, if there are puzzles they could be a bit harder. Platforming is good but in certain areas it can get disorientating because entrances to other maps are obscure, the map is somewhat confusing, and the area is also very large. Specifically the area that introduces slime black and the slime red boss fight is pretty confusing for me. Areas like tower I like because it's linear (literally) and you have at least a general idea of where you should be going. Multiple paths is not bad, but it gets confusing when the areas are so large, entrances are obscured, etc.

    1. Thanks for the detailed reply :)
      Red isn't meant to be reached yet as the path to her hasn't been fully designed. The boss however is programmed and we wanted people to experience her so that's where that confusion comes from.

      Glad you enjoyed the towers.

    2. Indeed some entrances need to be smaller to look like "doors" and some complex buildings need some kind of map... even I get lost in them!

  2. I like the difficulty as it is as well. One thing I would like would be more clarity on the map; maybe including door key numbers so it is more clear which areas you have access to and which ones you don't or some sort of limited teleportation system to save areas. Because of the map I find it difficult to figure out where I've searched for hostages and where I have not, especially with all the door keys.

    Otherwise, I like the puzzles and find them for the most part pretty intuitive and easy enough to manage. More puzzles like the generator room would certainly be welcome as it's fun to try and figure out, or in the case of bosses, remember what worked since the last beta. :-)

  3. Hi,
    So all over feedback:

    Good stuff -
    The puzzles are fun, maybe some more varience but your in the perfect zone.
    The animation is excellent
    The backgrounds and scenarios are tight
    Music is great
    Humor with NPC's etc throughout fits nicely
    Story is spot on

    Bad stuff
    -The difficultly can be a hindrence because of the lack of save points.
    -Dieing at a boss because the hitboxes are rediculous and thier attack speeds are undodgable only to be sent back 5 minutes to redo a chunk of level is quite frustrating.
    -Not being able to control your jump tractory mid air and then having jump puzzles where you cant see below you properly feels like your just being trapped into falling deaths. . . to which you go back 15 minutes because of lack of save points.

    -Push M key for holo-wrist-map (or something lore friendly like that) to get a better idea of where you are and where you are going.
    - More ranged weapons - I feel like the floating bombs are more a pain to deal with than they should be.

    Thanks and keep up the great work!

    1. Awesome. Thanks for the reply.
      -Dieing at a boss because the hitboxes are rediculous and thier attack speeds are undodgable only to be sent back 5 minutes to redo a chunk of level is quite frustrating.

      All of the bosses save for Red have save points before them. Red's only special because you're not supposed to reach her.

      -Not being able to control your jump tractory mid air and then having jump puzzles where you cant see below you properly feels like your just being trapped into falling deaths. . . to which you go back 15 minutes because of lack of save points.

      This is our first time hearing that people don't like the looser jump controls. If you die to the fire atm it sends you to the last door you came out of, so it's not much of a hazard. We might change that, but we've definitely heard you loud and clear on the fact that you don't like how the game controls in the air.

      Regarding your Suggestions:
      - Is there a problem with the pause map? Press Enter to see the map?

      - You're the second person who wants more powerups. We're thinking of ways to make that possible w/o making the game too easy.

      Thanks for commenting. We really appreciate it.

  4. The game is too easy in terms of action elements fighting the enemies. Puzzles are great but I would ask that you do not make them too cryptic in how to figure out. I don't like getting lost and not having any clue what to do next or the clue to figure out what to do next was something that I could not easily be reminded about, it would be helpful to have Voms or someone say something like "hey wasn't I supposed to be doing this" or "I think I should be doing this" if it appears the player is lost or confused which you could figure out by just having a timer that monitors the forward progress Voms makes in the game. I like to have a gps or an anime gril tell me if I'm going off course, oops I took a wrong turn there, anime gril remind me! Oops doesn't go there!...etc etc.

    1. It's not easy to balance the game... some people find it hard, some others, such as you, find it easy. We will try to find a balance once all levels are made.

      Regarding puzzles, there are 2 kinds. The ones that take place in a single room and those where you need to do something somewhere else. The room puzzles can be solved in that room. The other puzzles are usually a mission... you need to find something that is marked on the map. Talking to Titan, we might add an NPC to remind you of that. Or a button to ask for help from the security guy or something. And yes, I cant forget how annoying Navi was after 20 whole years!

      Thank you so much for your detailed reply!

    2. I personally like the button idea, help on request only so that the people that prefer to figure it out on their own can do so

  5. I found a bug: After getting pushed into the water by a MoGi, my health dropped to zero and the camera continued to go left, softlocking my game.

    1. Thanks for reporting. We've fixed that issue in our copy and it'll be live next update :)
