Happy Holidays everyone!
Cards? Oh, yeah, games with cards...!
MoGi Cardfight,
MoGi plain cards and
Ucogi plain cards are finally released to the public!
Click on the images, check each game
and get a real life game of your favorite characters!
If you like card games in the vein of Magic the Gathering, Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh! you will surely like MoGi Cardfight! Fight with Voms, Ucogi and every available MoGi in this 2 player duel game and destroy more Pumpkin-girls, Amanitas and Nekogals! The following video accurately demonstrates the game's mechanics and potential!
Notes: We greatly appreciate everyone who pledged for
these card games in Offbeatr. Everyone should have their copies by
now. As a token of our appreciation, everyone who pledged for any of
these card games got a $20 present: the complete list of the Ucogi Games
secrets! If some of you never got the card games or the Ucogi Secrets,
please use the Contact Form and let us know. In that case, don't forget to mention
your Offbeatr nickname!