Friday, January 20, 2017

In search of new programmers

Veins here.

Guh.. today I'm in such a bad mood... well I'm in a bad mood for several months now, and I feel the need to vent. I really hate it that we only had 1 beta during 2016. We tried everything we could to make this work but it became obvious that we need programming help. It was hard for Titan to admit that but there is no other way at this point. And that's fine, we make mistakes or we have to bow to real life pressures but we also need to strength to admit it.

I was so angry during xmas that I couldn't even try to write a post here. 2016 was a major waste of time. Actually for the past 2 months I was so depressed that I couldnt find myself to do any new art, waiting for a miracle to happen, hoping that something will change for the best. But nothing did.

So anyway, I knew we couldn't go on like that and I already feel bad for having a Patreon and not delivering anything for months. Titan found a guy to do some of the levels but again, 2 months have passed without any progress. I talked to a few of my online friends (Vortex00, Dorago etc) and suggested to me a few sites where we can hire programmers. They also helped me keep my sanity a little longer. At that time I had zero willpower, plus I was sick for two weeks, delirious from fever. My cousin came from abroad that week and we didnt even had the chance to play MoGi Cardfight!

Well, little by little I tried to force my self to wake up and take action. I posted an ad on some site and we got a few replies from programmers interested in the game. 6 programmers replied to me the last few days and I felt hopeful. But soon after my mood started to spiral downwards once again.

Yesterday, I was talking just fine with 2 of them about the problems they would face and all that. But when they realized that the game has sexual content in it, not only rejected the job (which is fair) but they also blocked me. I'm not a jerk to release their names but that's their Skype messages. Anyways, Guy #1 literally cursed the game it self. Guy#2 kindly rejected the job but he still blocked me in Skype all of a sudden.

I get it, they dont want to be associated with a hentai game. But what kind of professionals are they when they suddenly leave the chat and they block the person they are chatting to? They didn't even gave me the chance to explain myself: Voms has to beat (or avoid) the MoGi because they tempt him and slow him down. Voms also tries to talk the MoGi Queens out of resolving to violence. It was the very premise and concept of the game that the girls won't be victims. This is not a dark hentai game where girls get beaten and raped. It's quite the opposite here.. the men are victims of femdom!

Let's humor Guy#1 who didn't gave me the chance to explain myself. Let's see what Sexism means: 
1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. The belief that one gender is superior to the other, especially that men are superior to women.
also, "relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex."

I really dont think those things apply to MoGi Origins. I don't see any discrimination apart from the fact that the MoGi are not human. Also, they force men to have sex with them, which makes them superior to men. Once you play the game it becomes clear that the MoGi attack first and Voms has to defend himself in order to save the island. If you look at the NPCs, both women and men wear same outfits and they all appear to be pretty normal. If that's not gender equality, I don't know what is! Guy#1 said he doesn't mind sex, violence and even racism. And then changes his mind and blocks me. Well if he doesn't mind racism then I should be the one to block him in the first place!

In any case, we got a few more proposals. One guy seems to be good and he is fine with sexual content but he is too expensive and the other guy... well we implied to him that we are making a +18 rated game but I haven't really told him that it's a hentai game. At this point I don't know if I should lie about it... These programmers would just do the levels, without any H-images involved. I don't want to lie but I want the job done! My head hurts dealing with all that... why life isn't any easier?

A true professional would do the job even if he dislikes the content, because that's what the definition of doing a job. Like the 12th definition of Urban Dictionary says: Job - Something I have to do to pay my bills, but seems impossible to do without some horrible physical or emotional consequence.


  1. Tough luck, man. I would have loved to help if only I know programming. Anyway, I highly recommend that you tell the second guy what your game really is about. Imagine if you didn't tell him and he found out halfway through making the game and then suddenly decided to quit? It might be worse.

    1. Guy#2 kept saying "I will think about it" and in the end he said he doesn't want to be involved. And I dont want guys who dislike the game to be involved, unless they are professional enough to get pass their bias and deliver what is expected. I don't think think the game we are making is gross or that much embarrassing compared to most other H-games. As a matter of fact I'm proud of this game and all my friends know that this is my job.

  2. I also just read your screenshot. lol, "triggered" is not enough to describe Guy #1's reaction. I wonder what happened in his life that made him think like that? He might actually be a girl.

    As for Guy #2, don't take him blocking you too personally. Everyone has a right to block people for whatever reason. At least he was nice enough to explain and answer all your questions. I guess he just feels strongly against H-games.

  3. At one side, I would be interested in working as a programmer for the game. At the other side, I had to drop out of Software Engineering because I couldn't afford the school anymore so I'm not sure if I'm "qualified" for the job.

    1. No, you need to continue your studies. We are looking for someone who knows his way around GameMaker fluently, not someone who starts learning about it as we speak.

  4. A couple of things you should post here to attract potential voluteers: Language(s), what systems do you use for bug/feature tracking, minimal hours/week to be actually helpful, general direction of programming needed.

    1. The game so far is progressing so slow that we don't have strict deadlines. The language is GameMaker. The rest are too technical for me to answer, Titan would be the one to address this. But we are not trying to find a programmer from this blogpost necessarily. I just wanted to explain things and vent. And decide if I should lie about the sexual content or not.

  5. If I was a programmer, I'd help for free. Letting the programmer know what kind of game he's working on is important, but if you have to lie to get the game out then lie. Hopefully you find someone who's cool with working on any game.

    Guy#1 is a bitch!

    1. Talking about them with friends we ended up believing that Guy#1 is a feminist and Guy#2 may be religious. They caused me to be afraid to ask more programmers, but when you actually profile them then you can get a glimpse of where they come from. And you can hope that the next programmer will be a bit less restricted.

    2. Guy#1 does sound like a female and she is very unprofessional to have said those things. I wouldn't want someone like her to work for me or anyone else if that's the attitude she'll bring to the work environment. Guy#2 was nicer but him blocking you was unnecessary.

  6. Good luck friend. First guy/girl clearly has his agenda.. I am sure you will find someone :)

    1. Titan will try out a new guy on Monday. I added the ad, but Titan does the programming so he is the only one who can actually deal with the programming aspect. I hope it all goes well.

  7. If only I knew how to code... I hope it'll get better for you guys.

  8. Keep your spirits up! I am sure the patrons won't mind too much about the delay. At least there is a promise of a beta in the near future.

    Side Note : Also how about starting some side animations? They could slightly boost popularity and may keep you busy when you're depressed. I find being busy is good at combating swing around mood drops.

    1. There are side animations for patreons ayyy.

  9. I don't know if you already found one, but if not, I have my own 2 cents to add.

    Finding a person that would work for this knowing what they're getting into would be better than lying. They won't ever throw a bitch fit if they suddenly find out what their work is going towards and may even develop a genuine interest in this game.

    IF, and this is a large "IF," you are down to your last thread of sanity, patience, and are in extreme desperation, lie your heart out if you know you can get away with it. It's a job, something that next to no one wants to do but needs to be done. It's not your problem if they dislike working for things such as this game or if it's against their morals. They're looking for work and you're providing it. End of story.

    1. After much consideration I decided to be honest to any future candidates.

      However there is another aspect I'm worrying about: if someone agrees to work on this game, they may not take it seriously because it's a "porn game". They may not share the same vision as me and Titan, where this is a game with sex scenes.

      In any case, Titan will try out the first programmer tomorrow. Let's see how it goes and if they can import levels without trouble from one machine to another and all that.

    2. There's something i don't understand, why can't they work under a pseudonym if the problem is being related to the game development...I would do it, as a programmer myself.

    3. There is a number of reasons.

      Guy#2 told me that he cant add this work to his portfolio. But then I asked him "why is that important? You are going to get paid. Besides, many devs might not want you to put their game in your portfolio in the first place!". He agreed with me but he still rejected the job.

      Others might not like the theme or genre. Me for example, I could not work on a soccer game because I dont care about soccer at all. Guy#2 felt embarrassed and uncomfortable with the theme and I can respect that.

      I cant start speculating why everyone thinks of this and that. It's a "live and let live" world out there and everyone is entitled to their opinions and choices. But I can also assume that these guys are biased by darker hentai games and they want to stay away.

  10. Aye i sent you guys an email

    1. I haven't got an email. The best way to contact us is through the contact form.

  11. Today we are testing the first new programmer. Let's hope things go smoothly. He claims he can make a new area in 3 hours. Let's see it goes.

    1. Fingers crossed that you managed to find someone decent.

    2. We should find out by tomorrow. If he finishes the test level by then. It's still a challenge to see if Titan can import the levels the new guy makes and all that technical stuff. It's a risky but hopeful new step.

    3. Any updates on this?

    4. The programmer got paid to do a level. He said it will take him 3 hours. It's been 4 days and he doesn't reply to my messages. Starts to sound like a scam...

    5. That's just sad. :(

    6. yeah.. so far nothing from his side, not a single message. At least he hasn't blocked me. I'll announce here if we got any changes.

    7. 7 days later he doesnt reply to my messages. His page is offline and searching for him by using his skype name (jermain.thomas9) I found out that he scammed another guy who posted his complain in

      We will try the next programmer soon....

  12. LOL guy #1 major tool

  13. Yesterday I spent 9 hours in the hospital. I had chest pains and I went for a check up. Public hospitals here are not to be trusted but they ran all kind of tests on me. It is probably nothing serious but they have no idea what it is so they said "it must be stress". Funny, I never considered my self as the "stressed type", but I guess all these months of waiting and working without an obvious result in the game had a toll on me.

    Today I still hurt. Feels like I'm a voodoo victim, the pain is there but physically I appear to be fine. To be honest, if there was a time in my life that I felt stressed, this would be it. This game should have been a fun ride and right now it has mutated into a bureaucratic mess. I have to talk to people to work in the game, talk to people to defend the game, talk to people to tell them why we delay the game. I don't want to talk. I want to just do my job and finish the game. But I have to wait and wait for things to happen and that kills my mood. How am I supposed to make a consistent story when everything is done in such a slow manner?

    This last year I had a lot of free time in my hands. There is so much art done, waiting to be added in the game, I had time to spare. And yes, all I want is to make games. And I believe I can be flexible with the theme and gameplay, it doesn't have to be an adult game. So I participated to four Game Jams to meet people and create games. Man, everyone sucked!

    • In GlobalGameJam2016 I went alone and 4 programmers introduced themselves as awesome coders who won a bunch of awards. Well, in the 48 hours we worked in our game, I made 80% of the graphics (story and title was also mine) and they didn't even made *chibi Ucogi* climb the stairs properly! They promised that we would finish the game but after 5 months of them not responding to my messages, I told them that I will finish the game on my own. I have the graphics of that game ready and I can still make it into a decent game.

    • In StoryJam2016 I tried to find a group that wants 2D graphics and that would definitely finish the game after the Jam. Out of the 8 or so groups, only one fit my criteria. The leader was a middle aged wife who was also a lawyer. She likes games but she has no fucking clue of how to manage a project. But I guess she had a story to tell, so that makes her the leader. Luckily 2 "programmers" join the team. They would work on an engine that pretty much has everything set up for them, but even so, they didn't do much since they never touched that engine before. And then there was this clueless graphic design girl that became the lead artist just because she was the first to talk to the lawyer. Not only the game was a mess but also I had zero creative input.

    Now, 3 months later, I was the only one who was interested in the game (not that it'd be a good game but because it'd be a game that is finally released). In our group chat I was the only one asking for a demo from the programmers, or pretty much anything else. The rest of them said they didn't had time. Yeah right, during xmas vacations! So fuck them and their stupid game.

    • I tried to make a game in Ludum Dare game jam 2016 as well. I made a "game" with a friend programmer who I trust a lot but in the end we made a crappy game (his design not mine :P) It wasn't my cup of tea to begin with but I tried my best and yeah, once more I was disappointed with the result. No plans to finish that game either.

    • I didn't attend GlobalGameJam2017. I had enough of rookies who don't know shit.

    So, bottom line, I'm very disappointed with everything I do at this point. Probably because I have to rely on others and they let me down. I hope (fuck I hate that word) that something will change soon enough. I'm running low on willpower once more but my quest to make a good game pushes me forward. Anyway, long text, but I needed to vent some more and let it out of my system. Thanks for listening.

    1. Venting is good, you need it. :)

    2. I'm surprised you didn't make a completely new post about this. Probably would've been preferable too, especially with the whole voodoo pain thing.

      It's also starting to sound like "If you want a job done right, do it yourself" situation but you can only do so much so fast before you start to burn out.

      While I don't know the opinions of everybody else who supported the game, I can say full-heartedly that I wouldn't mind if you took a break.

      Pretty sure life is starting to run out of shit to throw at you so things will take a turn for the better eventually.

      -That One Guy

    3. I didn't want to make a personal post, so I preferred to share this here, as a comment.

      I would have said more about the problems of those Jam games, but I ran out of space, but I guess I would bore you with details.

      But, on my own, I can only make simple Ucogi-games that can't really support me. Unless maybe if i start my own Patreon. But doing so will ruin MoGi Origins and I really want to see this project finished.

    4. I hope everything's ok. You could check just as a guide to get proper medical attention.
      I can't help with your health problem (I could recommend meditation for the stress), but I'm a programmer. I attended 2 Global Game Jams as a participant (3 in total. I was staff in one of them), but I don't have any prizes to show off.

      I just started using GM (a week and a half, but I'm familiar with similar tools) and I know you have been disapointed and scammed lately, so I figured a better way to put my skills to the test. Give me game specifiactions that you consider could be developed in 5 days (something like 'platformer with some enemies' or 'beat 'em up' with lifebar). I will deliver, as far as I can get, functionality and level design (just don't expect pretty drawings) in the 3rd and 5th day after you send your reply.

    5. Let me deal with the candidates we already have first.

      So far we asked 4 guys. 2 rejected us, 1 scammed us and the other was too expensive. Today I sent to an Indian woman who apparently works for a company. I told her that we are making an adult game. Let's see how it goes.

      After that there are 4 more guys that were interested. Let's see how it goes.

    6. "sorry not prefer to take adult games in hand."
      As expected, she declined. On to the next one...

    7. We asked another Indian guy but the adult content was troublesome since he had to ask his team. We was afraid that the women there might not like it. Also, they don't own Gamemaker Studio Professional Edition and we can't really work with the free version. Actually I'm not entirely sure about that, Titan is looking into it.

      In any case, I couldnt wait any longer so I messaged all 4 remaining candidates to at least see if they have the program or if they mind the adult content.

    8. It should be possible since both versions are capable of exporting and importing gm files and generating executables.
      If not, there must be a workaround for people that went pro from free.

      Anyway, I hope you find someone who fits the needs of the project. :D
      (Even if it isn't me :v)

    9. I'm not into the technical stuff but the way Titan explained it to me is that the free version allows you to use only 5 resources and we use a lot more than that. Maybe that has changed recently, but he said he will check it out.

      We have found 4 candidates interested in the game. We currently checking a guy who made a test level but he can't run it on his own, so I'm waiting on Titan to deal with it. This is a transitional stage for the development of the game and I guess we are trying to figure out the best way to run things smoothly.

  14. You said "A true professional would do the job even if he dislikes the content" but a true employer wouldn't lie to his employee(s) right? (Unless of course it was in their job description... maybe)

    Also, sexism isn't strictly tied to beliefs, portrayal is just as relevant. Some H-games have all the women with outrageous breast/body porportions, sexism. Some H-games have the male protagonist fighting off sex-hungry females, sexism. Vice versa, sexism. Female protagonist life sim where only or most of males have sexual intentions/inclinations, sexism. There are too many to count really.

    But it's a matter of fact that when you make a project focused around sexual content (and even those that aren't) that you are nearly guaranteed to have some level of sexism portrayed, in some cases though, that is even the selling point.

    Guy#1 asked if this game shows women "as being weak, feeble sex objects only for exploitation?", and based on my experience when I last looked into this game, they weren't far off, granted I remember no explicitly weak or feeble female characters, but all the female character I remember were definitely sex objects being used as your selling point(s). I laughed hard at the "Did you not think[...] that controlling a guy that is going round only beating up women was a bad idea[?]" though, since that (or vice versa) is a premise for oh so many H-games I've played (and enjoyed).

    Is this game sexist? Yes, yes it is.
    Do I personally have a problem with that? No, not really.
    Other people may though, so don't hold it against them, and likewise try not to stress over it.

    Best of days.

    1. I'm sure all employers lie or at least hide stuff from their employees! But there are not rules. You can go this way or that way. It's how you feel afterwards. If you do it enough times you stop thinking abut it. But anyway, I took the risk of saying to an Indian woman that works for a company that we are making an adult game. I'd rather be honest at this point. I feel like crap with everything else around me, I don't want to feel like crap about my self for lying. It's like I'm the last wall standing, if that makes sense.

      Yes sexism is about many things. This game may be sexist to men. But Guy#1 said it's sexist to women. I disagree. The men are the sex objects of the girls in this game. But I give you that, outside the game, yeah, the sexy girls are the selling point for the game. But... that's outside the game! So confusing >_<

      LOL if anything, Voms beats *living* rocks, plants and goo. If they are shaped like girls that's a different story. Or they are animals. Or they are clones. Or they are genetic robots with Ai. Or they are pixels on your screen! They are not real women! We could really go round and round and I can keep finding excuses. There is no clear answer, only how each one of us feels about it.

      In all truth, Titan was too sensitive on that matter. We tried hard to come up with a story in which out main character is not a jerk that rapes and beats women. Vor on the other hand... in my opinion would be excused as well but Titan thinks he still comes out s such a jerk. Well, it's a game and we can't please everyone.

      I remember back in the Final Fight days, people complained that the players beat girls. Because of that reaction Capcom was forced to turn Poison into a transgender guy. Because beating guys is fine.

      Which is funny... you want to show that women are strong, right? Then why having them avoid such fights? Doesn't that make them look weaker? How is a woman stronger, by always winning? By being a boss? And why you want a woman to be stronger in the first place? How about equality? Some win, some lose.

      Anyway, food for thought :P

  15. Regarding employees/employers, I'm aware, my comment there was a jab at your criticism against "true professionals" since you followed up with considering lying to your employees. As a note, I've no ire outside of that.

    "The men are the sex objects of the girls in this game. But I give you that, outside the game, yeah, the sexy girls are the selling point for the game. But... that's outside the game!"
    The context in which something is represented with specific regards to the theme, story, or setting, is completely irrelevant to whether or not something is or can be considered sexist.

    Lets say the setting for an H-game is that a virus bomb was detonated in the atmosphere, and the virus caused all males to become violent sex-hungry monsters (or vice versa).
    This is merely the backstory, it gives rhyme & reason for the purpose of immersion. It does next to nothing for whether or not the scenario is sexist, or whether the representation of it is sexist.
    This scanario could be represented in many different ways, perhaps this would be represented by the virus causing enlarged sex organs and/or body proportions, or perhaps this is represented by having all the affected persons turning into lovecraftian abominations. One of these representations in and of itself extremely sexist, because it uses gender anatomy in representation. Does this mean that the lovecraftian version is less sexist? Not necessarily, nor does it mean that it is worse/better than anything that may be more sexist than it is, it is simply a different approach. I would say that there is nothing wrong with either approach as well, but that is where perspective comes into play.

    Sexism in and of itself is not a bad thing though (but like most things it can be). Being sexist, and being not sexist (mostly implausible by definition), is not the same as being right and wrong, after all, we are not the same, not even physiologically. Not being sexist, is comparable not being able to comprehend the differences in gender, or simply choosing not to.

    "Well, it's a game and we can't please everyone."
    True, this should never be your concern. With regards to anything marketed, you have your target audience, those outside of it are a lesser concern by default, and in many cases, of absolutely no concern.

    "I remember back in the Final Fight days, people complained that the players beat girls. Because of that reaction Capcom [chose] to turn Poison into a transgender guy. 'Because beating guys is fine.'"
    In japan, Poison is regarded as male, but in america, Poison is a post op. So what really is the case, is that they made changes in localization to the canon to avoid financial retaliation from groups that would have a problem with it.

    This is not an uncommon practice, and nor is it wrong. Different locales have different content laws and different communities, and many developers make changes to their product to allow for distribution, or even just a smoother distribution.

    1. "Anyway, food for thought :P"
      Speaking of that, I've been wondering, you are seeking a programmer with some level of proficiency in GameMaker, but what I remember of this game, there wasn't anything done that would require much programming to do...
      Unless of course GameMaker is vastly different than what I remember, you don't need a programmer, just someone who knows how to navigate the interface and otherwise make it tick, and considering the interface was very uncomplex...
      Granted, what I remember of GameMaker is around 8-9 years ago, but when I worked with it, I did delve into the "GML" as it was called...

      I mean, the enemy AI in this is not complex, you've no outstanding partical manipulation going on, and the platforming/combat side of your game is, well, maybe not finsihed, but certainly functional and not full of game crashing bugs...

      I just can't see the qualifications being that high here, hell, I'd sign right up were it that my assessment is at least somewhat accurate...

      Best of days.

    2. Thanks for your replies. I want you to know that me mentioning "lying" was a desperate approach and a conversation starter. Some people said that I should lie, some were against that. I decided not to lie about the game. I needed time to think about it as well.

      About GM, you are correct. As Titan told me yesterday, the programming is pretty much done by him. We now need someone to put the tiles together in the engine so that we get more areas. "Gruntwork" he called it. "Time consuming gruntwork".

      Titan has added 50% of those areas himself. So not special programming skills are required. Each area is about 11000x1500 pixels and they have interactive parts such as doors and lifts. There are 50 areas and 30 rooms of various sizes, mostly around 3000x1500 pixels that remain to be finished. So there's quite a lot of work to be done.

  16. Regarding employees/employers, I'm aware, my comment there was a jab at your criticism against "true professionals" since you followed up with considering lying to your employees. As a note, I've no ire outside of that.

    "The men are the sex objects of the girls in this game. But I give you that, outside the game, yeah, the sexy girls are the selling point for the game. But... that's outside the game!"
    The context in which something is represented with specific regards to the theme, story, or setting, is completely irrelevant to whether or not something is or can be considered sexist.

    Lets say the setting for an H-game is that a virus bomb was detonated in the atmosphere, and the virus caused all males to become violent sex-hungry monsters (or vice versa).
    This is merely the backstory, it gives rhyme & reason for the purpose of immersion. It does next to nothing for whether or not the scenario is sexist, or whether the representation of it is sexist.
    This scanario could be represented in many different ways, perhaps this would be represented by the virus causing enlarged sex organs and/or body proportions, or perhaps this is represented by having all the affected persons turning into lovecraftian abominations. One of these representations in and of itself extremely sexist, because it uses gender anatomy in representation. Does this mean that the lovecraftian version is less sexist? Not necessarily, nor does it mean that it is worse/better than anything that may be more sexist than it is, it is simply a different approach. I would say that there is nothing wrong with either approach as well, but that is where perspective comes into play.

    Sexism in and of itself is not a bad thing though (but like most things it can be). Being sexist, and being not sexist (mostly implausible by definition), is not the same as being right and wrong, after all, we are not the same, not even physiologically. Not being sexist, is comparable not being able to comprehend the differences in gender, or simply choosing not to.

    "Well, it's a game and we can't please everyone."
    True, this should never be your concern. With regards to anything marketed, you have your target audience, those outside of it are a lesser concern by default, and in many cases, of absolutely no concern.

    "I remember back in the Final Fight days, people complained that the players beat girls. Because of that reaction Capcom [chose] to turn Poison into a transgender guy. 'Because beating guys is fine.'"
    In japan, Poison is regarded as male, but in america, Poison is a post op. So what really is the case, is that they made changes in localization to the canon to avoid financial retaliation from groups that would have a problem with it.

    This is not an uncommon practice, and nor is it wrong. Different locales have different content laws and different communities, and many developers make changes to their product to allow for distribution, or even just a smoother distribution.

    (this post was deleted/not posted for some reason, timestamp not accurate, will not repost this again)

  17. Like I said in a comment above, I messaged 4 remaining candidates. One of them was a company and sex was against their policy but they are considering it. The Indian guy is also considering it. But we are now testing a new guy who seems it enjoy what we do so far, so that's promising. The suspense is killing me.

  18. Haha, you guys are hack. You took the money from a succsesful crowdfunding campaign and got how much from Patreon? And now the work is still somewhere in the dark, because problems, but you keep milking funds from poor people. The way this is going, it's gonna end like Monster Girl 3D where that guy said his house was set on fire and lost all the work.

    People sit down and sweat their ass off, make a short game and release it for 5$ on the dlsite and it's more quality then what you guys made for that money for all this time. Open your eyes people, you're wasting your money. They are gonna release it half-assed or just disappear.

    I payed for this, and honestly you can take it as charity.

    1. Im not happy with how things go either. I thought that this game would be done by now. And I would really loved to have started new games because there are 2-3 cool concepts in my head that Id like to materialize.

      At least we are still here, fighting. We admitted that we have problems and we are trying to solve them. This delay is not in our best interest either and although I have done so much art that is not in the game yet, the guilt is killing me.

      Without patreon we wouldnt be able to pay the new programmer. I spend a whole month talking to new programmers to join the game. If a legit programmer appears, the game should start having more regular updates.

  19. So how have things gone with the 4 new candidates? It's been relatively quiet as of late.

    1. The new programmer created the area and Titan is very pleased with the result. He told me that he did 90% right and without much direction. Titan would still need to do the 10% since many areas have NPC and other details that require a bit more programming. Titan also imported the new level without trouble, but the new programmer can't run the levels himself for some unknown reason.

      As of now we are waiting on Titan to tell us were go from here. It's up to Titan and the new programmer to coordinate and work together. Titan feels the need to change how this game is being developed in order to streamline the procedure.

      I hope they start doing stuff soon. The rest of the programmers are on hold in case this programmer fails.

    2. Sounds promising. ^^

  20. I hope things are going well for your team. I do hope that you are able to overcome your problems and press on ahead. :)

  21. I have been following this game off an on since the beginning,
    And I am still really intrested in this game So I hope all goes well and the game finishes soon,
    I still have faith on you guys so keep up the good work.
    Game making is not easy and will put you under a lot of stress aspecially when you are already getting paid,
    But whatever you do don't give up. as there are many poeple here and on your patreon that believe in you.
    Good luck and hang in there,

    1. Thanks for the positive words, but to be honest this is beyond my control now. I feel I have done everything in my power to keep this project alive: I have been doing art without seeing any updates for months, I have been patient, I forced the issue of finding a new programmer and I found a new programmer and that programmer did a good job on the test level. So this is entirely on Titan to handle it, because he is the lead programmer.

      It took me a whole month(January) to find the programmer and as you can see from my post here we had quite some trouble. By the end of the month I found 4 new candidates and on the 1st of February we decided to test one of them out (the rest are waiting for my reply). On February 2 he had the test level done. Titan checked on the February 8 and he was pleased with the result. They haven't spoke since.

      Titan didn't had the time to program for months but he needs to work along the new programmer in order to have things done. There is nothing I can personally do about this but wait, like all of you do.

  22. Okay, Guy 1 is definitely a woman. You just barked up the wrong tree. Sounds a feminist on top of that... Yuck.

    Guy 2 seems to honestly dislike the idea of hentai. You SHOULD NOT keep this from your possible programmers as they should know well enough what type of project they are working on. There are also limitations to working on Adult Games which could keep you from presenting them to a larger group when looking for more work.

    "So what have you worked on?"

    "A game which is kind of a Bejeweled clone, and three platforming flash games."

    "Interesting... what were those games about? Are they popular?"

    "Two of them were for general audiences, including some violence and mischief, but nothing too serious. The third included hentai."

    "What's hentai?"

    "Japanese, animated pornography."


    1. Guy #1 had a male name and photo, so he is a guy. Also I found a noob programmer girl that she doesnt mind sex in games but she doesn't like to involve in a game that has big boobs. There's all kinds of people out there! xD

    2. Guy #1 was using a lot of Feminist buzzwords, I think that person wouldn't have been a good thing for your team in any case. Sour grapes, what's that?
